Juicing is a very popular health topic right now. And your question more than likely would be “Is it good for me”? We are going to take a look at how the answer to that question may be different, for different people, for different reasons. There are many people who have valuable experience to share and you can apply what tips pertains to you. Whether these people are health experts like Dr Darren Mills or people who learned by trial and error, both have insight into the subject.
If you are considering juicing for detoxing and cleansing your digestive system we recommend our Bio Detox Kit as a way to cleanse our systems twice a year. Dr Darren Mills of Freedom Whole Health recommends juicing as a great option to use as dietary maintenance and a lifestyle habit with healthy benefits and are good to keep our digestive system healthy. As always consult your with your health practitioner for guidance. On a graduated scale, we can say that any recipe made at home is usually better than something processed and purchased at a store. So making a juice with farm fresh organic fruits and veggies is going to be a good quality product. It is often said that food is best for you in the form closest to the one in which it was created. So home made juice is good. Homemade also gives you the ability to make a blend of fruits and veggies that suits your personal needs or flavor palette. Another benefit. Juicing as a replacement for store bought juices is a good choice. Store bought not only can contain additional ingredients you do not need, it often has added sugar. If you have been learning anything about healthy choices, you know that less refined sugar is better. So to make a juice with less grams of sugar than store bought juices is also a good thing. At the next level, we hear about juice cleansing or juice detoxing. This means that you are not just adding homemade juices to your diet, you are using juices as food replacement for one or more reasons. This needs to be done under supervision of a health practitioner to make sure you consider your current state of health and and any precautions that need to be taken to make sure your blood sugars remain stable as well as any other modifications that may need to be considered. Whether you have a specific objective for juicing or you just want to see an overall improvement to your health, there are many bloggers that have put good information out there to read. Blogger, Ryan Cruz gives his testimony of what juicing did for him personally. Another inspirational account is given by Neil Martin. Vanessa Simkins personally found success for weight loss, Tracee Sloan has explored the results of healthy skin, and many other bloggers insights can be found here. Along with all the personal testimony we want to make sure that you are also getting information from reputable health practitioners. One of those highly respected health professionals is Dr Josh Axe. He outlines the pros and cons of juice cleansing. Dr Mercola is another well respected health professional that values nutrition as a key to health and also recommends juicing. A more local source Middletown Family Chiropractic who also values a holistic approach to health, gives pointers on what to consider when doing a healthy juice cleanse. Now for the practical ways to get started and introduce a new process to your routine. The Juice Master, Jason Vale, shows you what juicer he believes is best. You can find many other review sites online if you look and gather enough information to make an informed decision based on your needs and lifestyle. By now some of you are saying, “okay, that sounds great, but it sounds like a lot of work”. If you are unsure at this point if you are ready to make the investment into a juicer, or if you are even sure you would like the taste of certain juice combinations, there is another option. You can order fresh juices from a delivery service. This would be a great way to trial different fresh juices. See what you like. It is more expensive, but the work is done for you. Working this new way of adding nutrition to your routine can take time to achieve. It takes awhile to form new habits, let alone diet related ones for a new healthier you. Be nice to yourself and consider any incremental step you take, one day at a time, is a step in the right direction. Any chance you get to stop by a local juicery and try one of their creations, you are investing in a more vibrant version of yourself and supporting a local business that is another resource for you on your journey to obtain or retain a healthy you. Cheers to you and juice!
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