This biofeedback technology is based on acupuncture theory. What we are looking for are energy deficiencies and excesses. How is your body is doing energetically? With biofeedback we won't be doing a bunch of symptom chasing. We will recommend professional grade supplements and lifestyle change that over time WILL lead to a more healthy version of yourself.
I want to take a minute to tell you a little bit about my story. When I was about 26 years old, I was extremely ill. I had chronic sinusitis. I would go to medical doctor after medical doctor. One right after the next. I just wasn't getting any better. In fact, it seemed like I was getting worse!! I had a friend who was holistically minded, and he recommended I go see a holistic practitioner. Well, when I got there, I first thought to myself, this is a little weird. At this point, I was willing to try anything. She used a biofeedback machine with me, and recommended 3 or 4 supplements. I noticed that I seemed to be getting better. After 4 sessions with her, I knew I had stumbled onto something. I never have had chronic sinusitis again! I decided at that point, some day, I wanted to become a holistic practitioner. I still take supplements proactively, but hey good news, they aren't causing long term side effects, or damaging my organs long term. I hope you will give biofeedback a try! I know you will be glad you did!!