I use lemons for all kinds of things these days. I never new all of the cool attributes they have! So first, putting a squeeze of lemon in my water or hot tea really makes a difference in our health. It is a great detoxifyer, and helps clean the liver. We only have one liver, so it's important to protect this gift from God!! Without it's proper function, our whole body would become toxic, and bad things happen to our health.
Also, I find the oils to be a mood brightener. Who doesn't need that in the winter, with all of these shorter days. You can put the oils in a diffuser and it makes your whole house smell awesome! And finally, I'd heard they are amazing for getting smells out of laundry. Well I had a dog do his business on my bath rug. I put in 2 slices of a lemon, about a half inch thick, got the water going, squeezed the lemons on them, put in the usual soap. I let it sit for about 5 hours and ran it. Wow! My rug came out fresher smelling and softer than when it was new! I couldn't believe it!! If you liked this blog post, feel free to comment. #lemons #liver cleanse #laundry deodorizer
Did you know that you can eat the peels of bananas?! They are edible and nutritious! Peels are high in potassium, antioxidants, amino acids, and fiber. They are best to be eaten raw, since heat will destroy most of the nutrient value. I spray my peels with a fruit and veggie cleaner to get rid of pesticides. I then blend them in with my morning smoothie.
On another note: The peels are used extensively in manufacturing to make protease enzymes, emulsifiers, and pectin. #healthyeating#holistic#smoothies |