What To Expect From A New Patient General Consultation.
We pride ourselves at taking time with our patients.
Our goal is not to treat a symptom, but to get to the root of it and give your body what it needs to restore itself. This is a different approach than that of traditional medical doctors.
Once you have documented some health history with us (intake forms can be dowloaded and filled out in advance), we will conduct a biofeedback balance scan (value of $65). We can review this information together to get a better understanding of things you have been facing, and what your specific goals are. Some people are looking to fine tune their health, and others may need a more restorative long term plan to get them where they need to be.
You can expect to spend about an hour and a half sharing with us what is going on, followed by discussing what approach or methods we might use to set you on the right path to a healthier you.
This could include complete meal plans, exercise, supplements as well as other lifestyle considerations. We will set up a protocol for you and followup appointments to monitor progress.